OVFTool is used to migrate from VMware VMX to VirtualBox OVF.
OVFTool are not delivered with the VMWare Player, so you have to register to VMWare website, download and install it.
You can use ovftool in the CMD or PowerShell adding its folder (the folder, not the full path to the exe) to the environment variables (“Path” variable)
How to use:
ovftool MyVM.vmx MyVM.ovf
Instead of ovftool you can use the relative or full path to the exe
- If you don’t have the iso anymore, remove it from the VMX file or the migration will not start.
- Remember also to shut down the VM properly or the command will not start.
- If the command cannot find the path of your vmx (“Error: Failed to open file: .\”), try to edit this:
....deviceType = "cdrom-image"
to this:
....deviceType = "atapi-cdrom"
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