When you read an average job description you will find that anyone is looking for “working experience” in something. No matter if you studied, for example, Java for 5 years at university. Nobody cares. They are just trying to find a prove that someone else validated your experience. So this is the question: can I…
Author: Edoardo
Informazioni pratiche per iniziare a volare con un drone
I droni sono chiamati in gergo tecnico UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) I droni con il visore si chiamano FPV e sono una sottocategoria degli UAS. Per volare รจ sempre necessario avere una assicurazione. L’assicurazione di solito copre tutti i droni dell’operatore ed ha un costo annuale di circa 20โฌ. Qualsiasi drone deve rispettare le norme…
Useful information and fixes about ovftool
OVFTool is used to migrate from VMware VMX to VirtualBox OVF. OVFTool are not delivered with the VMWare Player, so you have to register to VMWare website, download and install it. You can use ovftool in the CMD or PowerShell adding its folder (the folder, not the full path to the exe) to the environment…
Useful resources to check HTML and CSS browser compliance
DaVinci Resolve – Useful tricks
DaVinci Resolve is a fantastic tool for easy video editing activities and I want to share a couple of suggestions. Insert new image or video in a specific point of the timeline If you simply drag and drop, the new clip will be added at the end of the timeline or will replace the one…
Generate ER graph image from MySQL database
One option is to use PhpMyAdmin Designer (find it in the top menu of PMA) that creates a quite interesting visualization of the tables, but if the tables are a lot it doesn’t work as expected when you export the pdf or the svg file. Another very interesting solution is to use MySQL Workbench, a…
[Solved] MySQL not decoding emojis and special characters
If you have this problem, you should check 4 things. Encoding of tables Open PhpMyAdmin and check whether the database is encoded with utf8mb4_unicode_ci and also all the columns have the same encodign or not Encoding of MySQL If you are on Linux, go to /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add or edit the following: Then restart mysql:…
Constant size of a widget across multiple devices and screen resolutions in Flutter
I was developing a feature in my app, in particular a map with some icon markers using this package. During my programming session I used an Icon widget and I set the icon size at 100. Good, everything run smoothly, but when I launched the app on different screens I found the following situation here…
Custom icon in flutter_background_service package
The flutter_background_service package is used to spawn services. These services stay in background doing stuff and they can also communicate with the Flutter app in foreground. In this post you will not find a guide throughout the usage of this package. Here you can find some notes about how to create the custom icon of…
Installation and usage of FontForge for Python
FontForge is a free, light and very powerful tool to edit fonts. You can use it as stand alone graphical software or as python library. Link to GUI tutorial to edit glyphs here. Useful notes for FontForge GUI version: If you edited a glyph and you want to generate the .ttf file, go to File…